The silence of the crabs
"Cwabth 're arkin', cwaeth"
I looked up.
"Excuse me?"
Dr. Lecter shook his head like "No-No". I hurried to take his special-ordred muzzle off of his face. Bite restarint muzzle.
"The crabs are barking, Clarice"
He licked his bottom lip and said again. He had a slight lisp.
When I looked up from the sandy ocean bed, choppy waves were breaking up the dark grey sky. I did not hear anyone barking.
"I have to go, doctor"
"You're going to tell me when the crabs stop barking, aren't you, Clarice?"
Dr. Lecter gazed at me through the bars. He looked very comfortable in his straitjacket.
When I was leaving, I looked back once and he was still looking at me.
Five days later I went to his crab trap and found that the trap was empty. What I saw was bodies of two guard mackerel on a floor. One mackerel had no face. It almost looked like someone chewed his face off.
"Have the cwabth stopped barking, Cwaeth?"
I clearly heard Dr.Lecter's voice in my head.
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